Thursday, June 14, 2012

Somply Updates

This post is going to very sweet and simple . . . mainly because I only have four minutes to complete it.

So . . . speedy news, here I go!

LUX second draft is underway, with 6K thousand words completed.

I am currently reading The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. Amazing book, by the way.

Rapture by Lauren Kate was just released -- for those who don't know, that's the fourth, and final, book in the Fallen saga. I'm not sure if I should bawl or shout for joy.

My college course get out in a week, so I'll have lots more time to blog this summer. And if I don't, Jackson and Matt, you have my express permission to murder me. Seriously.

That's honestly all I have time for right now! Pleas, please, forgive the conciseness (I'm warming up for query writing =D). Happy writing, everyone!


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